CW SYSTEM Purpose The purpose of CWP system Presentation is to provide the operating personnel with necessary information to safely operate and maintain the CWP system & associated equipment. The scope of the Presentation covers an overview of the CWP System, System Description, Normal Operation, Start-up / Shutdown, Emergency Operations & Alarms, Instrumentation & Process Control, Interlock & Protection The cooling water pump (CWP) sat Power system is provided for each unit. & all pumps is located CW House Building. Overview Purpose of the Circ Water (CW) system The purpose of Circulating Water Pump (CWP) is to remove the heat rejected to the Main Condenser by the low pressure turbines exhaust steam. CWP transfers the heat from the Main Condenser to the atmosphere via natural draft cooling towers. NEED OF COOLING TOWER : In Power plant, cooling tower cools down the hot water of Turb...