CONDENSATE EXTRACTION PUMP (CEP) Its Importance in Thermal Power Plant It handles water from hot well. The characteristic of that pump is that it handles water from vacuum. Berceuse the condenser and the hot well are in vacuum bellow atmospheric pressure. No other pump has this characteristic to handle in such condition. It takes water from vacuum pressure and delivered above atmospheric pressure. It is a vertical turbine type pump which is multi stage. It deliver water from hot well to deaerator. They may be used to pump the condensate produced from latent water vapors in any of the following mixtures: Steam condensed (exhaust from LP turbine) in condenser Make up water (dumped in condenser hot well from condensate storage tank) Flash box water LPDFT water HPDFT water Drip from ejector Drip from LPFWH CEP for a 200 MW unit:- Each unit has been equipped with three nos. of condensate pumps installed vertically at minus four meter level in to...