ECONOMIZER Economiser is a pressurized back end equipment because of it is installed at the end of boiler. Where after no heat is added to the water or steam. Heat transfer surface used to increase the temperature of the feed water before it enters to the boiler drum. When flue gases travel across water-walls then latent heat is absorb & super heaters absorb sensible heat from flue gases. The economizer is composed of low-temperature convection pass surface. Economizer is placed in series with the feed water heaters of the regenerative system. The function of the economizer is, to raise the temperature of feed water downstream of the highest pressure feed water heater to the saturation temperature corresponding to the boiler pressure. After absorbing the heat from flue gases to the super heater and reheater by steam some heat is present in flue gas this heat is absorbed by sub cooled feed water which is flow in side economizer before entry of boiler drum. With this typ...