
Showing posts from May 8, 2020


BOILER  WATER  CHEMISTRY ( BOILER WATER/ STEAMS ANALYSIS )   The main objective of feed and boiler water treatment in a power plant is to maintain the plant in a condition where it can operate reliably and efficiently. It aims:- a) To maintain the integrity of the feed, boiler and steam system by minimising corrosion to an acceptable level; b) To maintain the effectiveness of heat transfer surface by minimising the deposition of corrosion products & scale; c) To maintain a high level of steam purity and thus prevent problem in the super heaters,   re heaters, & turbine. The water has to be treated to obtain required quality before it is allowed to go into the boiler .The ultra-pure water so obtained is further conditioned in the feed system and then within boiler so that water is not aggressive to any of the variety of construction materials used in boiler, feed and steam cycles.           ...