There are the following turbine trip protections are given:- Emergency push button trip from desk & operator work station (OWS) Channel-1 Channel-2 Channel-3 Fire Protection (Channel-1 & Channel -2) from control desk & OWS Channel-1,Channel-2 & Channel-3. & MBLD 1 & 2 (from MOT room & TG floor) Condenser vacuum low trip 2/3 (2 out of 3 logic). Lubricating Oil pressure very low 2/3 (2 out of 3 logic). HP exhaust steam temperature. Very high 2/3 (2 out of 3 logic). Axial shift Very high 2/3 (2 out of 3 logic). HP Casing top bottom differential Temperature Very high (2 out of 2 logic) & load greater than 20% of rated load IP casing Front & Rear Top-bottom differential Temperature Very high (2 out of 2 logic) & load greater than 20% of rated load. Cold gas temperature after H 2 cooler high (2 out of 3 logic). Seal oil temperature after cooler high (2 out of 3 logic). Liquid level in main lead...