
Showing posts from November 19, 2020

Coal Pulverizer System

Coal pulverizer system is classified in two types  Direct fired system. Stored fired system. DIRECT FIRE SYSTEM:-  In it coal leaving from each mill goes directly to the combustion process. Air dry the fuel and evaporated the moisture also increase the fuel temperature. This hot fuel air mixture goes for combustion in to the furnace. STORAGE FIRE SYSTEM:- In this system coal is separated from air or gas.  In this system moisture is separated and not participate in combustion process. Stored ground coal is injected in to the furnace with new air. Requirement of direct firing system:- Raw coal feeder- this regulate the coal quantity in to the mill. Heat source:- this dry the coal and preheat the air and fuel. Primary air fan:- this supply the air to the mill. Piping:- direct the coal and primary air to and from the mill. Burner:- this mix the coal and primary air from the pulverizer to the burners.