Condensate System

 The purposes of the Condensate system are to:
  1. Condense steam from the main turbine and TDBFP and collect steam drains in to the main condenser.
  2.  Remove non-condensable gases from the main condenser.
  3. Purify and preheat water prior to injection into the boiler.
  4. Supply  the  driving  head to  pump water  from  the  main  condenser  to  the boiler.
  5.  Provide injection  path  for  High Pressure  Coolant Injection system  to  the bpoler
  6. Provide injection path for Reactor Core Isolation Cooling system to the  boiler.
  7.  Provide a path for returning Reactor Water Cleanup system to the boiler.

There are the following system involved in condensate system.

  1. CST
  2. Condenser
  3. Hotwell
  4. CEP
  5. Main ejector
  6. Gland steam condenser
  7. Deaerator level control valve 
  8. Excess return to CST
  9. CEP minimum re-circulation line
  10. Drain cooler
  11. LPH-1
  12. LPH-2
  13. LPH-3
  14. Deaerator 
  15. FST
  16. LP heaters drains & vents
  17. LP drain flash tank
  18. HP drain flash tank 

LP Heater
  1. The condensate is preheated to an elevated temperature before it goes to deaerator.
  2. for heating of condensate water it passes a series of different typers of heat exchanges.
  3. This is a shell & tube type heat exchanger of which condensate flows through tube and steam condenses at the shell side giving away its heat to condensate. This is and intermediate heat exchanger to form regenerative system.
  4. LP heaters has all three zones like HP heater which are:
  5. De-superheating zone
  6. Condensing zone
  7. Sub-cooling zone.

  • During flow of condensate part of condensate flows through desuperheating and sub-cooling zone and full flows through condensing zone.
  • The air any gas vent is connected to the condenser to evacuated the gas.
  • CEP discharges condenser water to deaerator and before going to deaerator, condensate gets heated up in LPH.
  • Deaerator is a direct mixing steam heater where steam extracted from turbine is mixed with condensate to raise the condensate water temperature.
  • Feed water from deaerator is supplied to the BFP.
  • Before the feed water is fed to boiler feed water is further heated in HP heaters.
  • The condensate generated in any heater is fed back to LP side heater by pressure difference and the level is controlled by Level control valves.
  • Hence condensate generated in LP heater is sent back to Condenser Flash tank. Condensate generated in HPH3 which is the highest pressure heater is fed to HPH2 and finally HPH1 condensate goes to condenser.



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