1. Check the Deaerator is filled to normal working level.
  2. Check that the control air and electrical supply are available for the instrumentation, leak-off equipment and valve.
  3. Check that the recirculation valve and isolating valve are open.
  4. Check that all the instrumentation tapping points and isolating valve are open and that all drains equalizing valves are shut.
  5. Open feed pump drive end and non-drive end mechanical seal cooler circulation water inlet and outlet isolating valve.
  6. Check that the pump set discharge isolating valve is open.
  7. Crack open the pump set suction isolating valve.
  8. Open the booster stage air vent valve and vent any trapped air or gases from the pump casing.
  9. Shut the booster pump air vent valve when water issues freely from it.
  10. Note the interconnecting pipework and the boiler feed pump discharge pipework should also be primed and vented.
  11. Vent the feed pump mechanical and the cooler
  12. Fully open the pump set suction valve.
  13. Ensure that the clarified cooling water and the raw cooling water are available for the pump set.
  14. Prepare the drive motor for starting.
  15. Prepare the hydraulic coupling and the lube oil system for starting.
  16. Ensure that all instruments and coolers have been primed and vented.
  17. Check that the lube oil is flowing freely through the following flow indicators.
  18. Booster pump DE & NDE bearing drain flow.
  19. Booster pump side and hydraulic side motor bearing drain flow.
  20. Feed pump DE & NDE bearing drain flow.
  21. Check that the D.M. water from the booster pump mechanical seals is flowing freely through the flow indicators.
  22. Check that the D.M. cooling water from the feed pump mechanical seal coolers is flowing freely through the flow indicators.



  1. Ensure that the hydraulic coupling auxiliary lubricating oil pump is running.
  2. The following condition must be fulfilled before the pump set driving motor can be started.
    1. Pump set suction valve fully open.
    2. Recirculation valve open.
    3. Lube oil pressure at a minimum of 2 bar.
  3. Deaerator level not low-low.
  4. D.M. cooling water pressure to pump set normal.
  5. Start the boiler feed pump set driving motor.
  6. NOTE:- simultaneously with the starting of the boiler feed pump set, a cooling water valve will automatically open to supply D.M. cooling water to the drive motor air coolers and the hydraulic coupling working oil coolers.
  1. When the pump set is running normally there circulation valve ensures a minimum flow of 100 t/hr through the pump set.
  2. A scoop tube on the hydraulic coupling is controlled by a pneumatic actuator to automatically vary the speed of the boiler feed pump according to the load requirement, from a differential pressure transmitter across the feed regulating valve.
  3. The auxiliary lubricating oil pump should be stopped.


  1. Check that the driving motor ammeter reading is normal.
  2. Check that all the pressure and temperature reading are normal.
  3. Check that the lubricating oil is flowing freely through the following indicators
  4. Booster pump DE & NDE bearing drain flow.
  5. Booster pump side and hydraulic side motor bearing drain flow.
  6. Feed pump DE & NDE bearing drain flow.
  7. Check that the DM cooling water from the booster pump mechanical seal is flowing freely the flow indicators.
  8. Check for any undue noise or vibration.
  9. Check for joints and valves gland for leakage.
  10. Check the security of all fastening, paying particular attention to the holding down bolts.


  1. When a pump set is required for standby duty, it should be prepared as follows.
  2. Set the selector switch to auto condition.
  3. Open the discharge valve.
  4. Start the auxiliary lubricating oil pump.
  5. NOTE: - The scoop of the standby pump set will follow the scoop tube of the running pump set.


  1.  The operating feed pump set will trip when any of the following abnormal condition exists.
  2. Deaerator level low-low.
  3. Lube oil pressure in common header low.
  4. Differential temperature rise between the discharge and suction of the feed pump, above the pre-set value.
  5. Hydraulic coupling working oil temperature high.       



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